Attisholz Areal Riedholz

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The Attisholz site in Riedholz is the largest industrial wasteland in Switzerland. Based on the notion that the urban fabric is constantly changing and therefore should allow room for the unexpected, the design proposes to urbanise the site and imagines a juxtaposition of things that do not belong together. With new qualities to be created by reprogramming, bringing the site of a former paper factory back to life and filling it with urban life outlines a compelling task. The industrial area has already proven that it can become an attractive urban meeting place with concerts, street art, and culinary delights.


In order to cultivate this, a curator is to be appointed for all interior and exterior spaces, who will not restrain the potential of the accidental. This curation is at the centre of all considerations, creating and securing the informality and relaxedness inherent to the site. The temporary spaces offer areas for cultural and social gathering, but also for commercial uses – defining the added value and identity of the future site.


A variety of typologies is proposed for both the new buildings and unused existing buildings. Embedded in an attractive living space, they guarantee a modern and sustainable living environment. Since the curated network is organised across phases 1-3, the desired spatial qualities can be achieved in all development phases. This gradual transformation will be just as important as the final state, a network of functions across the existing and renovated old buildings, and of course into the new buildings, integrating into the transformation of the entire area.

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