The landscape, urban, and architectural concept for the Rostock port is based on the idea of a hybrid space that creates a connection between urbanity and landscape, between the history of the port and the nature of a beach. The aim of the concept is to create an archipelago, a harbour park for everyone, a mixture of active and contemplative experiences through introducing new flowing topography. Like a river archipelago, the existing hills in interaction with the newly planned buildings form an independent contribution to the old town silhouette. In addition to the scenic qualities, the new harbour park functions as a central connection between the Warnow-Rund and the historical ramparts.
The design develops in the area of a harbour park on six asymmetrical hills that create new spaces of different qualities: the concept proposes wind-protected spaces and ones with views of the city and water. The plaza emerging at the eastern end of the Christinenhafen offers a space that acts as both an arrival point and an event location. The positioning of the hills towards the water creates urban beach-like lounges with relaxed seating.
The Haedgehalbinsel activity hub offers sufficient flexibility with adjustable programming and a floor-level play fountain, a space for large city events. Sports fields and removable ball catching fences appeal to young adults and create additional physical activity spaces, underlining the versatility of the harbour park. From major events to picnics to sports activities, the new city harbour will offer Rostock residents and visitors a wide range of opportunities for relaxation and active leisure.